There are many different ways that users can customize graphs. The Graph Type options will depend on the Target or Behavior type. Each has different options available to view according to how data points are collected. Below are the Graph Options and Graph Settings outlined.
Click on a section to expand:
DTT Graph Options
% Correct Responding - The default setting for all DTT Target types. This graph type will display the daily % correct responses on all trials that have been collected on one particular day. e.g., If five trials were recorded in one day, there will be one data point on the graph to represent that day's % correct responses.
Prompt % Distribution - Displays a pie chart of all prompts that have been scored for a particular Target. This is helpful in viewing how often each prompt is scored; the pie chart format creates a visual of Target's prompt distribution.
Prompt Counts - Displays a bar graph with a count for the number of times each particular prompt was scored.
Trials By Prompts - Displays a line graph with the number of times each prompt was scored. Users can see each available prompt listed in the key with the associated color lines.
Daily Prompt % - Displays a line graph of the percentage of times each prompt type was used on a given day. Much like the Trials by Prompt graph, instead, the user will see the prompt percentage (specific prompt/number of trials x100) rather than the count.
Time of Day - Displays a scatterplot with the time of day the DTT Target data points were collected.
Duration Graph Options
Total Duration - Displays the daily total duration. The Y-axis will adjust according to the data that the user scores; if the user only recorded seconds the graph will populate the duration in seconds, but when the user recorded in minutes the graph will change the Y-axis to display the duration in minutes.
Average Duration - Displays the average duration of each day's worth of data. The Y-axis will adjust from seconds, minutes, and hours according to the data that have been collected.
Trial Count (Frequency) - Displays the trial count of each day's collection of duration data. e.g., every time user selects Start and Save on the app the duration data will count as one trial.
Cumulative Duration - Displays the cumulative duration over time. These data points will build upon itself as users continue to take data.
Duration Percentage - Displays a comparison of the student's actual performance to the goal set in the portal and displays it as a percentage (i.e., observed duration/goal duration X100). e.g., if the user wants the student to read for five minutes and they actually read for one minute, the graph would display 20%.
Duration By Trial - Displays the actual duration for each trial that is taken. If the user takes more than one duration trial per day the graph will individually show each duration trial that was taken based on the "start" and "stop" time of each trial. This means there can be multiple data points per day if multiple duration trials were taken per day.
Echoic Graph Options
All - Displays ratings for articulation, intonation, rhythm, speed, and value on the same graph. The Y-axis is on a scale of 0-100.
By Prosody - Can display Articulation, Intonation, Rhythm, Speed, and Volume to view individually on a graph.
Time of Day - Displays a scatterplot with the time of day the Echoic Target data points were collected.
Errorless Teaching/Learning Graph Options
NOTE: These types of graphs can only be viewed if you have assigned a prompt schedule to your DTT targets. To learn more about assigning prompt schedules to targets click here: Prompt Schedules Subtab - Student Level
NOTE: If you want to have automatic phase change lines appear in your errorless learning graphs notating when the suggested prompt level for the target has been changed you can set this up under Setup > Settings > Other Settings > select "Yes" under Automatic Annotations for Errorless. Learn more about this setting by reviewing this article: Settings Subtab
% Independent Responding - This graph can be used to show true independence as it will display the daily % of independent responses over total trials that have been collected on one particular day. (e.g., If five trials were recorded in one day, where one trial was a prompt that is set to score as independent and the other 4 trials were prompted responses set to not score as independent then you will have one data point on the graph reading at 20% independent for the day.) This allows the user to see how close the student is to getting independent responses and how close they are to mastery.
Response to Prompt Fading - Displays the percentage of trials in which the Target prompt level or a less intrusive prompt was used. It is NOT a graph of true independence (i.e., no prompts needed) but rather if the student was able to complete the task with the targeted prompt level or a prompt that was categorized as less intrusive than the current prompt level. e.g., if the prompting hierarchy was physical, touch, gesture, and independent, and the current prompt level was touch then any responses in which the student was able to complete the task at the touch, gesture, or independent level would be considered correct.
Prompt % Distribution - Displays a pie chart of all prompts that have been scored for a particular Target. This is helpful in viewing how often each prompt is scored; the pie chart format creates a visual of Target's prompt distribution.
Prompt Counts - Displays a bar graph with a count for the number of times each particular prompt was scored.
Trials By Prompts - Displays a line graph with the number of times each prompt was scored. Users can see each available prompt listed in the key with the associated color line.
Daily Prompt % - Daily Prompt % - Displays a line graph of the percentage of times each prompt type was used on a given day. If you are looking for a true independence graph this can be viewed here when looking at the data that is associated with your “independent” response types. Much like the Trials by Prompt graph, instead, the user will see the prompt percentage (specific prompt/number of trials X 100) rather than the count.
Time of Day - Displays a scatterplot with the time of day the DTT Target data points were collected.
Transitions - Displays the percentage of trials scored as correct across each prompt level. A trial is considered correct if it is scored at the current prompt level or one of the less intrusive prompts. For example, there can be four prompt levels in the prompt schedule; full, partial, minimal, and independent. Each series on the graph represents a different prompt level (i.e., green for full prompt, red for partial prompt, blue for minimal prompt, and orange for independent). The green data path indicates the percentage that all trials were considered correct during the initial prompt level of full prompt. The data path will also indicate how many days it took the learner to meet the promotion criteria to the partial prompt level (i.e. four data points would mean it took 4 days.) The red data path indicates data collected during the partial prompt phase. Any trials scored as partial, minimal, or independent would be considered correct and graphed accordingly. The blue data path would indicate trials conducted during the minimal prompt phase. All trials scored as minimal or independent would be considered correct. Any trials scored as full or partial prompt would be considered incorrect. If there were 3 data points in the minimal prompt path you can conclude that it took the learner 3 days to meet the promotion criteria to move on to the independent phase. The orange data path represents the independent phase of the prompt schedule. Trials in this phase are only considered correct if the learner was able to perform the task without any prompts. So, this transitions graph would show you how the learner responded during each transition of the promotion or demotion of the prompt schedule and how many days the learner stayed in each suggested prompt phase.
Frequency Graph Options
Standard - Displays the total frequency count for each day.
Cumulative - Displays a cumulative graph of users' frequency counts across time.
Time of Day - Displays a scatterplot with the time of day and the frequency Target data points were collected.
Fluency/Rate Graph Options
Count/Min, Count/10 Minutes, Count/15 Minutes, Count/30 Minutes, and Count/Hour - These graphs display the count per selected time. The Y-axis will change accordingly.
Total Count - Displays a tally count alone (or the frequency) that was marked during data collection.
Total Duration - Displays the duration recorded.
Average Duration - Displays the average duration that has been recorded for the Target over time.
Time of Day - Displays a scatterplot with the time of day the fluency/rate Target data points were collected.
Quantity Graph Options
Total Quantity - Displays the daily total quantity summary. The Y-axis will populate according to the data points that are scored.
Average Quantity - Displays the daily average of the quantity data points that are recorded (i.e., total quantity score for the day/number of trials conducted X100).
Quantity Percentage - This is the same as the Average Quantity graph.
Cumulative Quantity - Displays the cumulative score of all quantity Targets across time.
Trial Count (Frequency) - Displays the daily trial count that was recorded each day.
Time of Day - Displays a scatterplot with the time of day and the quantity of Target data points were collected.
Task Analysis Graph Options
% Steps Correct - Displays the percent of steps that have been scored with the icon on the app.
NOTE: If a step was not scored at all, it will not be factored into this graph.
Step Performance - Displays a bar graph that indicates the percentage of trials that were scored correctly for each particular step.
Individual Steps - Displays the percent correct responding for each step by itself. Users can also select to compare particular steps together by selecting the Shift + Command key.
Time of Day - Displays a scatterplot with the time of day the Task Analysis Target data were collected.
Toileting Graph Options
Accidents vs Successes - Displays the count for successes (listed in green) versus accidents (listed in red).
Accidents by Type - Displays BM accidents versus Urinary accidents.
All Voids by Type - Displays BM successes/accidents as well as Urinary successes/accidents.
Sit Duration-Total Per Day - Displays client's toileting data. Users can view the total Sit Duration for an entire day if it was recorded.
Sit Duration-Average Per Day - Displays the average Sit Duration duration for each day.
Time of Day - Displays accidents and successes as they were recorded in relation to the time of day that is recorded when the data are stored in the app.
% of Sits Initiated - Displays the percentage of independently initiated sits, regardless of void or no void.
% of Sites Voided - Displays the percentage at which there was an actual void when the student sat down.
Cumulative - Displays the cumulative total of accidents and successes over time.
No Void Frequency - Displays the frequency of sits with no void.
Whole/Partial Interval Graph Options
% of Intervals - Displays a line graph with the percentage of intervals during which the Target behavior occurred.
Time of Day - Displays a scatterplot with the time of day the partial interval Target data were collected.
Graph Setting: ANNOTATIONS
To customize a graph, users can add Annotations such as Note or a Condition Line. Users can also delete or hide Annotations.
- Click Annotations.
- Click Add Annotation.
3. Enter Add Annotation information. *Denotes Required Field
4. Click Save.
5. OR from Graph, select other Annotation options to View, Delete or Hide.
Graph Setting: COMPARISONS
The Comparison option allows users to compare multiple Targets from various programs that are of the same Target Type.
- Click Comparisons.
- Click Shift (or Command) on your keyboard to select multiple Targets.
NOTE: Comparisons are represented on the graph with different color-coded data paths.
Select a Technical Indicator and the system will calculate and populate the graph according to the displayed date range.
Average - Selecting this option will pull up a "goal line" of the average across the graph's current date range. 5-Day Moving Average - The 5-Day Moving Average will appear on the graph as a red line moving across the graph. |
Trend Line - The trend line will be indicated by a red bar that will line itself across the data on the graph.
Standard Deviation - The user will see the standard deviation indicated on the graph by a light pink overlay.
Trial Count - This will show a separate, linked, bar graph indicating the number of trials that make up a given data point.
Unique Therapist Count - When selected, this option will pull in a new graph below the current with the "count" for unique therapists and shows the number of distinct therapists that recorded data for a given data point.
Overlay IOA Data - After the user enters IOA data in Actions>IOA Data users can add the overlay on the graph by selecting Technical Indicators>IOA Overlay.
Chart Settings allow users to make slight adjustments to the graph view.
Split Data By Therapist - This option works best for DTT, Jump-to, Quantity, Fluency, Task Analysis, and Duration targets; it is not available for frequency target types or for behaviors. Users will need more than one therapist working on a target for this graphing option to work. |
Split Data By AM/PM - The Split Data by AM/PM will allow users to see how the data perform in the morning and in the evenings.
Show Data Point Values - When this is selected users can view each data point's value on the graph.
Exclude Maintenance - Users can select to exclude maintenance probes on the graph by selecting this option.
Exclude Low Trial Count - This option will take away any data on the graph that has not met the target's "desired daily trials." If the target is set for 10 desired daily trials and only 5 trials were met in a day- that day's data point will be taken out of the graph.
Black & White Graph - This graph makes printing easy.
Date Range - The X-axis can be adjusted to fit a custom date range of users choosing or users can select out available options which include a 1-year view, 6-month view, year-to-date and more.
Graph Setting: RESET
Reset the graph back to its original settings. The only items that will remain after resetting will be any Annotations that have been added.